#Life Lessons: The Choice is Always Yours


The only way to know what is beyond the known is to act.

Some say a leap of faith but what they mean is action into the unknown .

Life is not predetermined.

Since you cannot know the future before it happens every action is a leap of faith.

That the world is good, righteous, and just. That you know what’s right and what to do. And only you can do it.

Whatever that action is … YOU must do it. You decide, then you act.

[Tweet “And in acting, you accept the consequences. Whatever they may be.”]

The choice is always yours. To be or not to be. Not just a philosophical question. But your life.

What to do?

Only you decide.


Winston Ash

MY MISSION: TO TELL GREAT STORIES Business is in my blood. I started this website to share my journey building a business. My passion is telling the world about great businesses. This is my shot. I'm taking it.