Liberating Feeling


Another milestone. Ran 2 miles non-stop outside. Felt amazing. Love that I can get on the road and run. Freedom. Free to go wherever my legs can take me. It’s a liberating feeling.
I signed up for a training program on RunKeeper. 10K in under 55 minutes. Seems like a good goal. Attainable. Works out perfect too. The 10K I want to run next is July 1st, 2017. The Great American Weekend race. Pretty excited about it.
Day 1 of 61 down. Feeling good.

Running Gear:

Nike Free Shoes


Bought a stack of books this weekend. Six to be exact. Love when a plan comes together. I’m diving deep into business books with a lean towards management and marketing.
The book I started with: DotCom Secrets by Russell Brunson
All I have to say is wow. I am a visual person and need to have words and pictures to understand information. So, this book is perfect. It takes a hard subject, funnels. And breaks it down into bite-size pieces. I’m half way through the book. I plan on reading it once and then using it as a reference guide. Setting up the funnels and implementing in my business. I’ll document and experiment as I go.

Business: Ash Media Empire

Finished implementing my model onto Instagram and it is doing amazing. That part of my business is now on a system that takes me less than 2 hours per week to maintain. The important thing is that I engage with each person that comments, likes, or shares. Automate what I can. Personalize the rest.
Had a client reach out to me last week. Decent call. Gave good information and fielded questions. The ask is a bit out of my wheelhouse. But I plan to turn it into a Marketing Strategy and Social Media play. We’ll see how that turns out.

Up for this week:

  • Create landing pages for ads;
  • Draw out sales funnels;
  • Put system in place for Twitter; and,
  • Follow-up with contacts about Coffee Talk with Founders.

Ideas & Execution

Ideas come daily. My execution was lacking.  I’ve made the decision to do more. 

So, May will be execution month. I will get my ideas started. 

Today’s idea: LinkedIn & Facebook Group for Hudson Valley Business Executives. I think there should be a place to go for business owners to learn from each other. And from this idea a group was born. Officially it is called HV Business Executive Network. Check it out here: Facebook & LinkedIn

The group is brand new and needs a lot of work. But the idea is in the world now. Let’s grow this thing together. 

Hope you have an amazing day. I am.


Website Redesign 

In the process of revamping this site. Decided it’s overdue for a facelift. My plan is to focus more on what I can do for you. 

Show more of what I’m working on and my focus areas. 

Let me know what you think of the new layout. 

More pictures to follow. 

Hope you like the new look!


Go Do Work

No one is going to hand you success. 
You must go out and get it yourself. 
That’s why you are here. 
To dominate. To conquer. 
Both the world, and yourself …


Are you really tired? 

Your mind decides you are done before your body even gets started. 

The body is set up to protect itself and do the least amount of work. 80/20. But sometimes you just have to put in the extra effort. That hour in the gym is the difference between winning and losing. That time spent in class learning about grammar matter. 

Know the rules. Put in the work. Then remix it. Put your spin on it. 

No one can see the world through your eyes. And we desperately want to know what’s on your mind. Tell the world your story.



A loaded word.

What does it really mean? 

Do what you promise. Keep your word. 

If you follow through and are accountable then you have no worries. 

Now I capture all of my discrete tasks and life is stress free. I can look to my projects and say no confident I’m doing more important work.