Second Guessing

Spending time doing this is useless.

Do your best.


Let the chips fall where they may.

Serendipity is magic.

Perfection is not worth the extra effort.

Put in work, hustle, plan, and execute.

Analyze what worked and what didn’t.

Do more of the former and less of the latter.

It’s not a hard formula.

Is this exactly what I wanted to say here?

Yes, No … Maybe?

Whatever, it’s said.

Have a great day!



Idea Remix

That’s what I’m after. The good ones that lead to better ones.
Actionable. Testable.
Simple or complex; doesn’t matter.
The logical flow next step previous ideas. Extensions on top of what works.
Think about it.
The idea is old school, it’s the execution that’s original.
That’s what good jazz and classical music are all about. Knowing what perfect looks like and putting your style on it.
It may take years of training. But the outcome is worth it.
Stay the course. Remix the old until you find yourself.

Talking to Ideas

I read alot. Everywhere. Always. I enjoy it.

My wife says I can’t sit down without reading something. I agree sometimes it gets out of hand.

But let me explain. To me reading is a conversation. The author and I are talking to each other. If I agree I keep reading. But more interesting are the times when I disagree and still keep reading. Means one of two things happened. I’m trying to get more information or the author has piqued my curiosity.

I found I have a preference when it comes to what I read. Short, snappy sentences that get to the point. My eyes glaze over at long, wandering sentences that add little to the story. Each sentence I ask, so what? and what’s the point?

Conciseness. To be specific.

Recently, I found an author that sums up how I feel all the time. Read his work. I recommend you do, now.

“Nobody Wants To Read Your Shit.” by Steven Pressfield


It’s All Good


The world pressing down on my shoulders and riots in the streets.

Yet I still feel ecstatic, no matter what. I will be good. Confidence? Cockiness? Maybe a little of both.

It’s this irreducible axiom. Sorry, translation; it is all good.

My base premise is that the world is good.

The fire, life, pain, suffering; each is an aspect of this great life we get to live.

So, yep there is bad shit in this world. No doubt.

My advice?

[Tweet “Give the pain no respect. Go after your happiness. You have one life, only you can live it!”]

People say to me they would love to live in my rose-colored world.

JUMP IN, the water is warm.


#Life Lessons: The Choice is Always Yours


The only way to know what is beyond the known is to act.

Some say a leap of faith but what they mean is action into the unknown .

Life is not predetermined.

Since you cannot know the future before it happens every action is a leap of faith.

That the world is good, righteous, and just. That you know what’s right and what to do. And only you can do it.

Whatever that action is … YOU must do it. You decide, then you act.

[Tweet “And in acting, you accept the consequences. Whatever they may be.”]

The choice is always yours. To be or not to be. Not just a philosophical question. But your life.

What to do?

Only you decide.


#Coding: My Learning Experience

As I visit websites, I get this feeling that I could do that. Beautiful words on the web that communicate what someone is thinking from miles away. And my curiosity peaked. How do I make those ideas I have in my head come to fruition? This starts my journey into learning to code. The why, curiosity. The reason I stayed with it. Now that’s a story. code camp

Where do I start?

I guess I have to start with the question, “What is my goal?” At this point, I don’t know. Actually, that’s not true. I want to be able to do what these people are doing online. Make websites. Create cool infographics. Persuade. Talk. And just have a good time. Be able to take what is in my head and put it out into the world with no filter except the ones I impose.

Ok, that’s a good start. Now, how do I learn this stuff?

Easy, I didn’t want to spend money. So, I’m looking for free resources. Google to the rescue. “Learn to Code for Free”. First item up, Codecademy. Sounds good. So this is where I start. Nothing hard about this. Breeze through a few lessons. By “breeze” I mean bang my head on the keyboard until correct answers are on the screen.

Next up,  Free Code Camp to learn some Front End Development. This is where I am at now. And boy does this get hard quick. As of now, I am on Day 8. Deep into Javascript and Algorithms. And I remember why I don’t like math. It makes me feel stupid. Yet, learning to code with math is a lot easier. I have to know the logic and the computer will do the rest. +1 for me.

What to “Focus On”?

Simple, just follow the maps and progressions of these two sites.


  1. Goals – For the Basics
  2. Web Developer Skills

Free Code Camp:

  1. Front End Development Certification

What’s Next?

I’m deep into learning front-end development. Taking that information and making projects. Anytime I have an idea for a project I start coding it. Some will end up in the trash. But maybe one will be the idea that sparks something amazing. 

Daily, I come back to learning how to code. One day, I will be a professional with all that entails. Until that time, I keep learning, trying new things, and making mistakes.

[Tweet “Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new.”] Some guy named Albert Einstein said that. Lol.

My advice if you are starting out on this journey. It is not about the destination so much as the process to get there. Enjoy yourself. Take it serious, but have fun with it. And learning something new teaches you about yourself. Take that with you and you will be a better person for it.