#Coding Update

Coding is fun yet hard. 

Sometimes I get to sections I have no clue about. Stopping to think it through helps. Most times I just need to let my brain rest. 

Learning the skills is great when I can practically apply what i learned. 

HTML and CSS are easy because I grab my text editor and start building websites. Even if they never see the light of day the process is helpful. 

That’s how I learn best. Attacking projects that put my skills to the test. And then, when I get stuck. Read-Search-Ask in that order and usually I can figure it out. 

My goal is to be skilled enough to be a software engineer. Maybe I will use that skill set as a job or maybe I will build a business around it. Either way I’m learning. 

I plowed through a few courses the first few weeks of the year. Taking a two day break now. 

Then on to learning my first Framework: React. 


Winston Ash

MY MISSION: TO TELL GREAT STORIES Business is in my blood. I started this website to share my journey building a business. My passion is telling the world about great businesses. This is my shot. I'm taking it.