Are you really tired?
Your mind decides you are done before your body even gets started.
The body is set up to protect itself and do the least amount of work. 80/20. But sometimes you just have to put in the extra effort. That hour in the gym is the difference between winning and losing. That time spent in class learning about grammar matter.
Know the rules. Put in the work. Then remix it. Put your spin on it.
No one can see the world through your eyes. And we desperately want to know what’s on your mind. Tell the world your story.
A loaded word.
What does it really mean?
Do what you promise. Keep your word.
If you follow through and are accountable then you have no worries.
Now I capture all of my discrete tasks and life is stress free. I can look to my projects and say no confident I’m doing more important work.
Get Up
I can go harder.
The issue is deciding. With that done it is a matter of effort.
Make it easy. Set up for success.
Everything packed. By the door. Waiting.
All I have to do is get up.
Here is the deciding factor. The moment from when the alarm goes off. In that split second I have to make one final decision.
Go or no-go. It all boils down to that choice.
And I do not take this lightly. More lives have been ruined at this point than any. All the self-help, motivation in the world can’t make the decision for you.
So in that moment. There you are. And, you find out who you are.
The Way Forward
Ask good questions.
That is the right way.
You are part scientist, part investigator.
Open mind. Eternally curious.
And ready for the wonders of the world.
Go forth boldly.
Let no one stand in your way.
Bend your knee to no man.
Let truth be your guide.
Reason your weapon.
The beginning, Why?