#Coding Update

Coding is fun yet hard. 

Sometimes I get to sections I have no clue about. Stopping to think it through helps. Most times I just need to let my brain rest. 

Learning the skills is great when I can practically apply what i learned. 

HTML and CSS are easy because I grab my text editor and start building websites. Even if they never see the light of day the process is helpful. 

That’s how I learn best. Attacking projects that put my skills to the test. And then, when I get stuck. Read-Search-Ask in that order and usually I can figure it out. 

My goal is to be skilled enough to be a software engineer. Maybe I will use that skill set as a job or maybe I will build a business around it. Either way I’m learning. 

I plowed through a few courses the first few weeks of the year. Taking a two day break now. 

Then on to learning my first Framework: React. 


Business Philosophy 

The customer is the hero and the huge obstacle they have to overcome is getting people to listen to their story and then buy from them. The solution is working with our company. We help guide our customers in how to connect with their customers where they are. That’s on digital media.
Imagine your customers wanting to hear from you every time you had something to say 
Effective communication is the key. We take storytelling to an art form 
And once inside these companies, we’ll do what it takes to market the business and make the investment in us profitable. It is all about telling the story of your business
Getting things done and driving results through collaboration, partnerships, and relationships.
Who we work with:
Only on my turf and my terms.
Plug and play marketing for small and medium businesses. We take what works in general and adjust it to work specifically for your business
I only work with people and companies where I can take the true measure of your character and your company. 
We are not for everyone.

We focus on building businesses in a digital world. 

We only work with companies where the owner or CEO will work directly with us. 

Fast action requires quick decisions and authority to make them.


Speaking with Words

My voice comes out in my writing. 

Writing is my favorite medium.

Words Matter. 

I relax when I can put a framework to my ideas. 

I enjoy the concepts behind big words. 

But I love reading the concepts put in simple terms. Is that a contradiction? 

Possibly, but that’s what fulfills me.

The constant struggle. Complex ideas, written simply. Simple and rare. Simple is hard. 

No one said it had to be easy. 

Some people like video, song, or dance. 

But I like writing. You get to judge me by my thoughts. Agree or disagree, either way I’m already in your head. And that’s what makes it fun. It’s my responsibility to do my job well. So you can enjoy the reading, no matter how complex. 

I write for the future. 

To document the place I was and to illuminate the way forward. 



What comes to your mind?

For me, the dual identity of the word.

What you put in ends up being a self-reinforcing feedback loop.

Example. If I do this, then I will get that. 

Following that logic one step down.

If that thing is good, then all outcomes are positively reinforcing. 

The exact opposite is also true.


#Coding Skills Update

Started studying and levelling up my code skills this year. Feeling pretty great about my choice. Here is some of the work I’ve been doing. All this work was done through Codecademy. Hit me up and let’s do some collaboration work.

Coding Progress



I love it because of the premise. Innovation, knowledge, and execution around the edge. Building on the past with a look to the future. 

Solving the world’s problems. One invention at a time. 

Technologists are idealistic dreamers. Hairbrained tinkerers. And hopeless romantics rolled into one. 

I’ve found my tribe.