#Founder Journal: Be Consistent

There is much to say. And I realize I can’t say it all at once.

So, I will say it bit by bit. Day in, Day out. And one day, years from now, I will have said it all.

For now, I’m happy with this idea.

My voice will be heard. And my opinion matters.

Be Consistent. Compounding interest works in life as in business.

Drip … Drip … Drip

Small drops from great heights can create a tsunami.

[Tweet “Water cuts through rock. Not because of its strength, but it’s persistence. – @winstonash1”]


Learning all the Time

Let’s be honest. I’m not an expert. All I do here is talk about what I’m learning.

And I’m in a continual process to learn.

More about this subject. Clouds and dirt. I want to learn it all.

Here is the difference. I am taking that learning and experimenting.

So, yesterday I did this test on my blog. Wrote down the whole plan and results.


Because how else can I see if this stuff actually works.

Guess what? Some do, yet most don’t.

I have a great idea.

I’ll start documenting my tests and sharing them on here. You can see where I am and how I am growing, or not.

At least I’ll have it documented here.

Following Gary Vee’s advice, “Document. Don’t Create”

Until next time.



Late Night Work

I’ve figured out a workable plan for now.

I need my alone time and this work provides it.

I can sort out my thoughts. Get them on paper. And take action.

The feeling is liberating.

At my small desk cluttered with the weekend’s garbage, I work.

I write. Think. Analyze. And rewrite.

How did I know this was it? The right thing to do. What I wanted to spend my time on.

Because after a 12-hour workday, I get home tired. Yet once I get into my space.

The energy starts flowing. The music is beating in my ears. And I lose track of time.

Laser focused and diffused thinking.

I know what this feeling is, I’m in the zone.

Sometimes I come out of my trance and the clock reads 1:30AM. Shit, I have to be up in 4 hours.

And the next day. I wake up like a superhero. Recharged and relaxed. Why?

Because I’m doing the work I was meant to do. I love it. And it’s not the time. It’s the work, output, and creativity.

I love that feeling.

For the love of the game.




I cannot do it.

My brain does not work that way.

I can run ideas through my head amazingly fast in series. Similar to a lightning fast calculator. But still one by one.

When I try to run ideas at the same time, the wires get crossed. Ideas bounce into each other and then I follow tangents to nowhere.

So, I recognize this and I don’t multi-task.

One item in, one out. All day long.

I feel great.  Control the flow.

Before I would try to be like everyone else, but this works for me.

Try it. Slow down. Do it slow at first. Like anything, over time you will pick up speed.

Slow is smooth, smooth is fast.

Be present with the task at hand.work-harder


For the Weekend Plans



  • DailyVee 39-41: Have to keep up – trying to learn more of the hustle & skills.

Listening To

Podcast Addition

  • Marketing School with Neil Patel & Eric Siu: About 12 episodes in. Short and to the point. It’s better than school, teachers in your ear on demand only.



#Business: Decision Cycle

When I know the right answer I cannot move off of it.

It’s that knowing part that gets me.

The truth is undefeated and I want it in my corner.

But the questions start.

What is the priority?

[Tweet “How much am I willing to spend? Time, Money, & Energy? – @WinstonAsh1”]

What will the impact be?

I could answer. But my mind has already filed the issue.

I made a snap decision by thinking about it once.

Important? No. Urgent? No. – Ok.

Now, let it sit. If it dies, then I let it lay; But if it comes back twice, time to think some more.

Think about that. My decision cycle is a minimum of three rotations. Good or bad, it is what it is.

What is your decision cycle?