#Coding: My Learning Experience

As I visit websites, I get this feeling that I could do that. Beautiful words on the web that communicate what someone is thinking from miles away. And my curiosity peaked. How do I make those ideas I have in my head come to fruition? This starts my journey into learning to code. The why, curiosity. The reason I stayed with it. Now that’s a story. code camp

Where do I start?

I guess I have to start with the question, “What is my goal?” At this point, I don’t know. Actually, that’s not true. I want to be able to do what these people are doing online. Make websites. Create cool infographics. Persuade. Talk. And just have a good time. Be able to take what is in my head and put it out into the world with no filter except the ones I impose.

Ok, that’s a good start. Now, how do I learn this stuff?

Easy, I didn’t want to spend money. So, I’m looking for free resources. Google to the rescue. “Learn to Code for Free”. First item up, Codecademy. Sounds good. So this is where I start. Nothing hard about this. Breeze through a few lessons. By “breeze” I mean bang my head on the keyboard until correct answers are on the screen.

Next up,  Free Code Camp to learn some Front End Development. This is where I am at now. And boy does this get hard quick. As of now, I am on Day 8. Deep into Javascript and Algorithms. And I remember why I don’t like math. It makes me feel stupid. Yet, learning to code with math is a lot easier. I have to know the logic and the computer will do the rest. +1 for me.

What to “Focus On”?

Simple, just follow the maps and progressions of these two sites.


  1. Goals – For the Basics
  2. Web Developer Skills

Free Code Camp:

  1. Front End Development Certification

What’s Next?

I’m deep into learning front-end development. Taking that information and making projects. Anytime I have an idea for a project I start coding it. Some will end up in the trash. But maybe one will be the idea that sparks something amazing. 

Daily, I come back to learning how to code. One day, I will be a professional with all that entails. Until that time, I keep learning, trying new things, and making mistakes.

[Tweet “Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new.”] Some guy named Albert Einstein said that. Lol.

My advice if you are starting out on this journey. It is not about the destination so much as the process to get there. Enjoy yourself. Take it serious, but have fun with it. And learning something new teaches you about yourself. Take that with you and you will be a better person for it.



#Coding: CodePen Portfolio Page

Created this page for Free Code Camp:

Check it out here

This is a portfolio page that I created for the challenge. Basic page that shows some of the work that I have done. I liked the challenge. And the result isn’t half bad.

Day 3: #100DaysOfCode


#FounderJournal – May 2016

Welcome to my new blog! My name is Winston Ash and I want to share my journey with you.

This is a huge undertaking. My goal is to document my actions, thoughts, and to analyze such. Self-awareness. Accountability. And to just show that it can be done.

I just turned 31 years old this past month and it was a huge shock to my system. Not the actual fact of the day change, but that I haven’t accomplished some of the goals I set for myself. And now I’m on the other side of 30.

Looking deep down I realize that I need a better way to keep accountable for my actions. Solution? Make it public. Simple, easy yet requires me to do goals I set.

Month Highlights


Started the book, “Getting Things Done” by David Allen. Amazing! In the space of a month, I accomplished more than the previous 5 months of this year. Skyrocketed my productivity.

Work became easier because I created an inbox and forced everyone to drop what they needed in it. But this led to a sea of requests. Therein lies the magic of the system. There was now a spot for everything to go. File. List. Trash. I could go on!

My recommendation, read the book NOW!


Always on Facebook and Twitter.

Going forward, I will link up the most popular articles for easy reference.

My Projects

Ash Media Empire

We got a new client this month! Exciting times promoting for a new industry. Still haven’t decided how transparent I want to be about the financial of the business. By next month, I will have a decision.

You can check us out on Facebook and Twitter. We are working daily to put out the best service.


Right now, it’s a one-man operation with a few outsourced tasks that allow me to do work at decent scale. Have four outside contractors right now and always looking to add more team members.

Our goal is to by this time next month have put out our new video series, “Founder’s Journal”. Stay tuned for that on our Facebook page. Interested in being a part of this send me an email: winston@ashmediaempire.com

The struggle is working a full-time job and doing this business on the side. Any hours spent working on this business is time away from the family.

My solution is actually pretty simple. Sleep less. Work faster. You ask how I can do this? That is a blog post all it’s own. Stay tuned.


Started writing and putting out content. I enjoy the process of being able to capture my thoughts anywhere and share them.

But is it interesting or useful?

You let me know. That’s where I’ll need your feedback. Look forward to reading everyone’s comments on how to make the site better.

For Fun

Saw the Yankees play schleshingersthe Red Sox. Great game with some amazing people. If you missed my snapchat video, you are missing out!

Went to Schlesingers Steakhouse for my birthday celebration and it was great. I am a cigar and whiskey guy so this place was perfect. Highly recommend!

What’s Next

This blog will be live as of June 1st.

Founder’s Journal going live from Ash Media Empire.

June should be a big month with lots of activity.

My wife challenged me to a new diet – I can’t say no to a challenge. Look for more updates on that.

Until next month, enjoy!


#Fitness Challenge – June 2016

Check out this 60 second video about my June Challenge!



It’s All About the Start

Decided it’s time I take the plunge and start writing a blog. I’m writing for myself. One, to put some stuff down on paper (or computer screen). Two, for posterity. Maybe someone will enjoy what I have to say.

I like to write. Whether I’m good or not is a different story. But this is my site and if you don’t like it, kindly use the back button.

With that out of the way let’s talk about what this site will be about. I will be talking politics, tech, business and the occasional personal update.

Who knows what the future will hold. I have grand ideas to get into book reviews, videos, and a podcast. But to keep us grounded I’ll start by saying that I will post at least once per week.

I would appreciate your comments and feedback. It’s important to me because then I can gauge what I should focus on. My promise to you is that I will respond to each comment.

Either way I’m going to have a good time and hope you enjoy the ride.