Compounding Progress

Learning new things always excites me. Getting better at what I’ve been trying to learn gives me the same feeling. While reading through tutorials today I found out something interesting.
Reading, thinking, planning, then doing is the best way forward. This allows me to plot a steady course and have linear progression. What got me excited though was that my progression compounds. Which means as I get better step by step I’m also integrating the new knowledge with old. Growing on many levels at the same time.


Ash Media Empire

Current clients are all happy and the workflow is steady. No issues. I’m going to streamline and document the client on-boarding process better. New leads have shown interest. Next week’s focus is adding another client to my roster.
Got an ad approved today by Facebook that I liked. That will help me bring more eyeballs to my feed which should help raise brand awareness. Putting out more video content on my Facebook account. The plan is to grow into producing mini tutorials.
Instagram received my attention this past month for good reason – I’m a visual person. I create visual content fast and with minimal effort. Once i’ve seen it in my head, the creating process is quick. My go to app is Canva.



Today I spent over an hour on the treadmill. The running felt good. No issue completing the mileage at this current pace. Looking forward to going longer distances at a faster pace. Step by step my body adjusted well to this new program. Using the Gipis app for the plan and staying loyal to Runkeeper for logging my runs. The running schedule picks up next week with 2 medium distance runs and an interval run.


Eating well has turned into the most important aspect of the health triangle – running, eating, and sleeping. This is also the hardest part. I don’t food prep and rely on my wife for that part. As well I am horrible at portion control. This is still a work in progress. My thoughts are to use measurement to force myself into line. We’ll see if it works.

Gut Checked

I can see the moves, the players, and the right strategy. I know what can be done. But does it violate my code? Is this the game I want to be playing? 

My initial reaction is stone cold. I learned it from poker. When dealt a shit hand the best response is no response. Stop. Gather your wits and make a plan. It doesn’t have to take long. You don’t let your initial shock give away your strategy. 

I felt similar emotions wash over me as I listened to these people. And my calm exterior made me hard to read. Or so I thought. Inside though, a raging sea of emotion. Hulk smash. 

Yet I see the moves for what they are – power plays. I have no time for this. 


With Flexibility 

That’s how all systems need to be built.

Frameworks and guidelines, not rules.

Change is inevitable.

Plan for it. Expect it. 

Build in the unknown. Work through uncertainty. 

When your system can handle life’s challenges; it is the right system 


Individual Rights

I believe in the rights of individuals. To live life as they see fit. Not regulated. Cared for. Or controlled.
There will always be dirty players. Bad actors.
Freedom-loving individual liberty. Where your rights end at the periphery of another’s.
[Tweet “That means I decide. The choices are mine. As are the consequences. That means I decide. The choices are mine. As are the consequences. “]
I can be a non-drinker, social drinker, or alcoholic. Each is a choice I make about my body.
Become a doctor, garbage man, or criminal. Same thing.
Why do we feel that few can decide for many? It makes no sense. We fought many wars against this tyranny. Yet now we let it deep into our culture.
Wake up. This is a call to action. It’s revolution time.

Mindset Reset

Dropped in the middle of nowhere. With nothing but my wits. I know I would win. It has nothing to do with what you have in the world. The game is about choices.
The skills acquired. The frameworks used. The plans executed.
Once you realize this, you cannot lose. Life becomes simple. Get on with it. Put the work in. Fight with what you have. Or fight to get more.
[Tweet “You are the man. Act like it.”]