David Allen, founder of GTD, wrote about this recently. I took this advice to heart. My actions were creating more chaos than good. Not focusing enough on getting the right things done; focused too much on completing any task.
So I took a break. A step back. And from this higher perspective, I am able to see what is important. By refocusing I am able to re-prioritize the entire inventory of outstanding actions. I see the world with a new filter; makes me think I’ve reached a new level. Instead of being on the rubber meets the road level; i’m at the take-off level and the results prove it.
Week in Review: 6/26/2017 – 7/2/2017
3 Major Goals Done This Week
Updated my tracker and created my July Habit Tracker;
Reorganized all outstanding commitments and took the time to rank them; and,
Enjoyed my personal time without thinking about work or business
What Went Right This Week?
Created a Daily Log that allows me to see what’s done or needs doing;
Started a learning path for Computer Science, Business, & Entreprenuership that levels me up; and,
Spent quality time focused on my home life.
What Went Wrong This Week?
Had hard conversations with co-workers;
Allowed outside influence to dictate my emotions for two days; and.
Fell off the wagon in regards to my fitness.
3 Goals for the Upcoming Week
Hire an admin assistant for Ash Media Empire
Plan social media content through rest of July