Documentation = Success.

I look at the size of the task ahead and balk. Thinking about all the things I need to learn gives me ajida. But that is only one part. The other part is my impatience grows. Daily I long for the time where I will be good at coding. When it becomes second nature like driving a car or walking. But alas, here I am. At the end of the beginning.
For the next phase of study, I put together an education plan. Speaking to an IBM employee at a party recently gave me the idea. We discussed how he got his job and many other details. What I gained from that conversation was an idea that has stuck with me. Planning and executing is the name of the game. Without a target (a defined outcome) then I will never get to where I want to be. I digress. I heard this many other places and have never put it into practice. Why now? What’s different? The simple answer: me. I’ve realized the error of my ways. Documentation is critical to success. It allows me to see where I have issues and adjust for them.

Here’s what the next 90 Days plan looks like:


Ready? Set. Go!

I choose to do more. Curious and willing to learn.
Focus on doing. Spend time thinking and abstracting.
The journey is my goal.
Let’s start back at square one.

Learning React

Videos watched. 

Notes taken. 

Flash cards reviewed.

Tutorials studied.

Code learned from YouTube.

Brain taking in all the information. 

The possibilities are huge. 

Ideas turned into reality.

Mind blown daily. 


#Coding Skills Update

On a mission to crush every single course that’s offered on Codecademy. I love these courses because they give instant feedback. Information, test, response. With feedback like that I gain understanding and knowledge much quicker. Also I make it a game. Do X amount of work; get a reward. I highly recommend these courses if you are like me and need instant feedback, backstory, and examples.

[clickToTweet tweet=”No secrets to success. It is the result of preparation, hard work, and learning from failure. Colin Powell” quote=”No secrets to success. It is the result of preparation, hard work, and learning from failure. Colin Powell”]

I am in love with coding: front end web development, React, JavaScript, and Python. My current learning interests include: robotics, machine learning, data analysis, and business processes. On my bucket list: running a marathon in 2018.

Thanks for reading!

I can be found on FacebookTwitter and  Instagram where I love to talk about business, politics, tech, self-education, and success.



Learning through Reading

I enjoy learning about syntax and grammar. My goal is to be a better writer. By learning the proper rules. And then by doing things as I see fit. My favorite writers are the ones who say what they mean and no more. No long winded speech. No misused words. 

I’m reading, “The Redbook”, and find it enlightening. I didn’t know the least bit about all the rules. Still in the beginning of the book, yet already it has helped. 

I hope that through paying more mindful attention to my writing that it will improve. Only time can tell. 

Learning is a hobby of mine. 


Do Your Best

Deeper. Faster. Better. Smarter. Stronger. Healthier.
The common thread: Progress.
Yesterday’s results set today’s benchmark.
Striving for more. Always.
“Do your best.”
What is the alternative?
Follow that line. It goes nowhere good.
Which path?