Gambler and Banker

I admit it. I’m addicted. The high of winning is greater than the low of losing; and, I crave that moment right before I know the answer. The moment of truth. Where options abound and the probabilities are endless. Fire in my belly from both fear and excitement. Losing only hurts for a while, but winning. That can hold me over.

Photo by Charlotte Coneybeer on

Photo by Charlotte Coneybeer on

When I have decisions that have consequences – read, all. I try to figure out all the angles and outcomes. Then I assign a probability to them. All this happens in an instant. At the end I make the best guess and roll the die. Win, lose, or draw the game is on now. And I’m excited.
Why do I say gambler and banker? Because that other side of me is a banker. The conservative, penny-pincher with T-rex arms when it comes time to paying. This part of me makes sure that every move makes sense and pays off. Getting this guy to put up money is like getting an addict to part with drugs. Not a pretty sight. Smart, consistent play that maximizes long-term wealth generation is what I’m all about on this end. What does that mumbo jumbo mean? 
Photo by Michał Parzuchowski on

Photo by Michał Parzuchowski on

[clickToTweet tweet=”In two words: Don’t lose.” quote=”In two words: Don’t lose.”]
And in that space where both are happy is where I try to live my days. Blissful ignorance of the greatest upside. But a wary eye turned toward the downside risk.
Where do you spend your days?

 Thanks for reading! Did you enjoy it? Leave me a comment below. Would mean a lot to me and I appreciate it. All feedback welcome.

I can be found on Twitter @winstonash1 and Instagram @winston_ash where I love to talk about business, politics, tech, self-education, and success.


Secret Formula to Winning

Helen Keller said, “… I learned that the power to rise in the world is not in the reach of everyone.”

While I agree with the words I disagree with her intent. Keller means that social class keeps people down. I disagree. There is no such thing as “People”. Individuals don’t do the work it takes to rise. Plain and simple. And then when it gets hard they stop.

Want to rise in this world?

Here’s the secret formula to winning.

[clickToTweet tweet=”It’s not pretty. And it’s hard. But it works. ” quote=”It’s not pretty. And it’s hard. But it works. ” theme=”style2″]

  1. Do the fucking work.
  2. Put on a helmet – it’s going to be a bumpy ride
  3. Shut up, stop complaining and pull your weight
  4. If you don’t like what you are doing then stop
  5. You are in control. The choice is yours
  6. Do the WORK

Mindset Reset

Dropped in the middle of nowhere. With nothing but my wits. I know I would win. It has nothing to do with what you have in the world. The game is about choices.
The skills acquired. The frameworks used. The plans executed.
Once you realize this, you cannot lose. Life becomes simple. Get on with it. Put the work in. Fight with what you have. Or fight to get more.
[Tweet “You are the man. Act like it.”]


I feel good when I travel. Allows me to focus. My mini-reboot.

Got to the hotel. Went running. 1st time this month and felt great.

And then ended up in my favorite place. A bookstore.

Sometimes, I look for an independent bookstore. And yet, I went with old faithful. Barnes and Noble.

Walking the rows of books I was awestruck. Think about this. The huge amount of knowledge in a bookstore. It is taken for granted. Not me, I respect it.

We live in great times. Our troubles are tiny compared to the generation that saved the world. The least we could do is get educated.

Read a book. That’s what I enjoy.

So, as I lay tonight in my hotel. I’ll read a new book. And think of times past. Strategize for the future. After, I finish documenting this day.

[clickToTweet tweet=”What you read when you don’t have to determines what you will be when you can’t help it -Oscar Wilde” quote=”What you read when you don’t have to determines what you will be when you can’t help it. – Oscar Wilde” theme=”style4″]


Learning to Write

Writing is a skill.

Learned through repetition.

Like any skill, it dies without constant use.

So, I’ve committed.

Learning to write, daily.

Put my ideas on paper. Sort them. And present them to you.

I appreciate you.

Personally, I may not know you. But my writing has always been for you.

I like learning. And, writing well is a good skill to have.

Challenge accepted.