Liberating Feeling


Another milestone. Ran 2 miles non-stop outside. Felt amazing. Love that I can get on the road and run. Freedom. Free to go wherever my legs can take me. It’s a liberating feeling.
I signed up for a training program on RunKeeper. 10K in under 55 minutes. Seems like a good goal. Attainable. Works out perfect too. The 10K I want to run next is July 1st, 2017. The Great American Weekend race. Pretty excited about it.
Day 1 of 61 down. Feeling good.

Running Gear:

Nike Free Shoes


Bought a stack of books this weekend. Six to be exact. Love when a plan comes together. I’m diving deep into business books with a lean towards management and marketing.
The book I started with: DotCom Secrets by Russell Brunson
All I have to say is wow. I am a visual person and need to have words and pictures to understand information. So, this book is perfect. It takes a hard subject, funnels. And breaks it down into bite-size pieces. I’m half way through the book. I plan on reading it once and then using it as a reference guide. Setting up the funnels and implementing in my business. I’ll document and experiment as I go.

Business: Ash Media Empire

Finished implementing my model onto Instagram and it is doing amazing. That part of my business is now on a system that takes me less than 2 hours per week to maintain. The important thing is that I engage with each person that comments, likes, or shares. Automate what I can. Personalize the rest.
Had a client reach out to me last week. Decent call. Gave good information and fielded questions. The ask is a bit out of my wheelhouse. But I plan to turn it into a Marketing Strategy and Social Media play. We’ll see how that turns out.

Up for this week:

  • Create landing pages for ads;
  • Draw out sales funnels;
  • Put system in place for Twitter; and,
  • Follow-up with contacts about Coffee Talk with Founders.

Get Up

I can go harder.

The issue is deciding. With that done it is a matter of effort. 

Make it easy. Set up for success. 

Everything packed. By the door. Waiting. 

All I have to do is get up. 

Here is the deciding factor. The moment from when the alarm goes off. In that split second I have to make one final decision.

Go or no-go. It all boils down to that choice. 

And I do not take this lightly. More lives have been ruined at this point than any. All the self-help, motivation in the world can’t make the decision for you.

So in that moment. There you are. And, you find out who you are. 


# Fitness Update

Time to get serious. Health is my priority.

Here are some of my fitness goals for this year:

  1. Weight

    1. Current Weight: 271 lbs.
    2. Goal Weight: 235 lbs.
    3. Action Plan: Lose 36 lbs. by October 8th, 2016 – Weigh-In @ 9:00 AM
  2. Running

    1. Finish 5K
    2. Finish 10K
    3. Finish Spartan Race or Tough Mudder
    4. Complete Endurance Run of 13.1 Miles
  3. Overall Health

    1. Body Fat Percentage under 15%
  4. Diet

    1. No Soda
    2. 3 Day Fast once per Quarter
    3. Limited Sugar Intake
    4. 1 Gallon of Water Daily
    5.  Read more about Ketogenic Diet & Explore other options; Low-Carb, High Protein

All of this is towards the ultimate goal of being healthy. Better than I was each day. Long and healthy life.


It felt right again. 

After I hit that mile mark I felt good. 

No gasping. Weezing. Or Pain – well not a lot. 

What changed? 

After a few weeks off, Monday was my first day back in the gym. That hurt. 

First, don’t take weeks off from running. I had a rythem. Breathing came easy. Not this day. Everything hurt. 

I blame two things. Time off and not fueling my body correctly. 

On vacation I decided to do January perfect. I’ve done perfect before by hitting all of my low bars. So, let’s do it again. 

Monday hurt, but today get good. 


I ate right all week. But water is the key. Every day this year I drank a gallon of that clear goodness – hahaha. 

Water cleared my system. It reset my body. I feel invigorated. 

So when I ran today I could feel the water soften the impact. And I realized the key is fuel. 

Feed the body. And everything else takes care of itself. 

Principle #1: Eat right.


#Fitness: August 2016 Recap

Things I noticed:

  1. I started the month focused on fitness. Then I put more emphasis on my business. And fitness took a hit. Need to adjust my schedule to make both priorities.
  2. Running is getting a lot easier. I am in a good rhythm now. Any day I can jump on the treadmill and push out 3 miles. I am very satisfied.
  3. Need new music, now!
  4. NEW PERSONAL RECORD: On Aug. 12th I ran my fastest mile @ 8:01


Start Month – 254.1 lbs.

End Month – 253.7 lbs.

Miles Ran – 21.2

Average Pace – 10:57 min./mi.

Training Schedule:

Cardio – Following a schedule put together on Runkeeper to get me in shape for a 10k. Missed 55% of the scheduled training sessions. However, I made up most of them by doing the work on different days.

Weights – Still not getting back into lifting, yet.


Overall, it was a mediocre month. I need to do a much better job staying consistent. That will be my key to success.

Grade: C


#Fitness: Hurt vs. Injured

Each breathe comes faster than the last. And then I hit my rhythm. Two heartbeats per breath. And I can feel my chest thumping. Thump. Thump. Breathe.

And then my left ankle speaks up. You know what I mean. It says “What are you thinking? You can’t do this. I’m in pain.”

And from this convo I learned a trick while running.

Identify the defective system. Sorry, left ankle. No disrespect.

Thank the pain. It means you’re still alive. I say, “Thank you left ankle for letting me know.”

But that is just information.

To decide what to do next I go one level deeper.

Are you hurt or injured?

Why the 20 questions you ask?

To make sure that I know the difference

[Tweet “So I can identify my limit and push it.”]

Because I said so.

Hurt vs. Injured – What’s the difference?

Here’s how I see it. Hurt = pain but I can push through it. Injured = I have to stop and should get medical care.

Those are hard standards. But it has allowed me to push right up against my comfort zone.

So next time your body screams at you to stop. Ask yourself that question.

And if nothing else, you just went 5 more seconds. Sounds win-win to me.