Talking to Ideas

I read alot. Everywhere. Always. I enjoy it.

My wife says I can’t sit down without reading something. I agree sometimes it gets out of hand.

But let me explain. To me reading is a conversation. The author and I are talking to each other. If I agree I keep reading. But more interesting are the times when I disagree and still keep reading. Means one of two things happened. I’m trying to get more information or the author has piqued my curiosity.

I found I have a preference when it comes to what I read. Short, snappy sentences that get to the point. My eyes glaze over at long, wandering sentences that add little to the story. Each sentence I ask, so what? and what’s the point?

Conciseness. To be specific.

Recently, I found an author that sums up how I feel all the time. Read his work. I recommend you do, now.

“Nobody Wants To Read Your Shit.” by Steven Pressfield


Winston Ash

MY MISSION: TO TELL GREAT STORIES Business is in my blood. I started this website to share my journey building a business. My passion is telling the world about great businesses. This is my shot. I'm taking it.