Above Average at Boredom

I skimmed through some coding websites. Reviewed a bit of the language docs. Not looking for anything specific. I was trying to get a feel for what was possible. That’s how I spent a few hours tonight. Time used in this manner is vital. I searched for a spark, a passion in the mundane to hook me. Something, anything. It felt useless and important and not urgent. I was on the right path. Or, so I thought.

I read a quote that resonated with me.

The only way to become excellent is to be endlessly fascinacted by doing the same thing over and over. You have to fall in love with boredom.

James Clear, Instagram

I got that. My core understood it before my brain processed the words. Because boredom is what builds good habits. And, being comfortable with it – that matters.


Winston Ash

MY MISSION: TO TELL GREAT STORIES Business is in my blood. I started this website to share my journey building a business. My passion is telling the world about great businesses. This is my shot. I'm taking it.